
To download our Export Mini Guide

Who arewe

Wexport is platform that guides women-based businesses in Jordan to export, facilitating their access to new markets and trade opportunities beyond Jordan, with a mission to bridge the gap in the export promotion eco-system by providing women with valuable information and support services. With over 70 enrolled direct beneficiaries and facilitated opportunities today, we envision becoming the national reference point in export enhancement and promotion for women-owned and led businesses.

Our services

Basic Exporting Services

Free Online Export Information Access (FQA)
Capacity Building Programs with Partners
Awareness / Info Sessions
Local Networking Events

Matchmaking Services

Facilitation of strategic partnerships to enhance global market presence.

Coaching and Mentoring

Expert guidance and support for businesses in their export endeavors.

Focused Export Training Programs

Specialized education initiatives designed to enhance export-related skills.

Other Customized Support

Tailored solutions addressing unique challenges in the export process.

Wexport Service Lines


Knowledge to action for the export journey enhancement


Elevate business functions to reach new potentials 


Explore global markets through Trade missions, Study tours, Exhibitions and B2B Matchmaking


Leverage top-tier expertise for business growth 


Helping you crack the export code 

Wexport Unit serves existing women-owned or led micro, small, and medium enterprises in Jordan, regardless of their exporting experience or lack thereof.

  • Already exporting: but need help in gaining access to more opportunities and further enhancing their exporting experience 

  • Want to start the journey and require assistance, technical information, and support to start their journey with exporting?

  • Unaware of the possibility: companies that perceive exporting as far-fetched and find it intimidating to embark on such an endeavor.

Paving the way for women in trade 

Our service line includes tailored services offered to women in business according to their needs and aspirations.

  1. Provide information 

As we aim to enhance the knowledge and technical capacity of women in the area of export readiness and further improve their competitiveness, we offer women the following:

  • Online access to our mini-export guide and the FAQ on exporting

  • Awareness and information sessions 

  1. Build capacities 

In our Wexport unit, we support women in businesses through tailored and export-specific capacity-building programs that help empower them with the necessary skillset needed to become professional exporters  

  • Export training programs 

  • Coaching and mentoring  

  • Other customized support  

  1. Develop partnerships 

Wexport offers women the opportunity to be in the export eco-system. We connect them to the right networks and facilitate their journey in trade. We do this through:

  • Joint activities with partners 

  • Local networking events 

  • Matchmaking services 

The Export Mini Guide is a manual that was developed to guide women on basic trade terms, export marketing, international market access, and all technical requirements, in addition to all information related to export documentation. The guide is available online and is very easy to follow and understand. 

If you want to start your journey with exporting and don’t know where to start,

we are here we are here for you

Book a date in our appointment calendar to have a consultation session with us.
Let’s make this happen for you!