We are here for the passionate women who believe in the power of their dreams.
In 2003 a group of passionate and pioneering women in Jordan set out on a journey to help other women forge their path as business owners or leaders in the workforce, by utilizing their unique talents and capabilities, supporting them and motivating them to move beyond all barriers.
That is how BPWA came to light, established as an affiliate of the Geneva-based International Federation of Business and Professional Women, we are connected to a global network of business and professional women’s federations and clubs.
Today BPWA, a membership-based, non-profit organization carries out this mission on the belief that increased women participation is key to a stronger national economy.
We have come a long way since then, and while women participation in the economy in Jordan has evolved, we still have a long way to go. Is to become an integral contributor to the prosperity and wellbeing of the Jordanian society, business and professional communities. We do this through a wide range of developmental programs that aim at improving the quality of women’s participation in the workforce
That guides our work lies in our belief that collective energies create unlimited potential, and that gender participation increases overall productivity and thus competitiveness of our national economy.
أن نصبح مساهماً أساسياً في ازدهار ورفاهية الأردني
المجتمع ومجتمعات الأعمال والمهنية. نقوم بذلك من خلال مجموعة واسعة من البرامج التنموية التي تهدف إلى تحسين جودة مشاركة المرأة في القوى العاملة
Is to open pathways and provide platforms for women in Jordan to contribute to our national economy and society overall
We do this through our overarching services that provide women with opportunities to develop their capacities, connect with other successful women, gain access to coaches and trainers and adopt strategies to balance between their professional and personal lives.
e achieve this through a range of comprehensive services that empower women to improve their skills, connect with successful peers, access coaching and training, and implement strategies for a balanced integration of their professional and personal lives.
يتم مشاركتها من قبل أي شخص ينضم إلى جهودنا، ومن الواضح للجميع أننا نتمسك بهذه القيمة باعتبارها مبادئ غير قابلة للتغيير؛ هم شمالنا الحقيقي الذي يعطينا الاتجاه

يقع مقرها الرئيسي في العاصمة عمان، ولها انتشار واسع في جميع أنحاء الأردن، وتمهد BPWA
الطريق للمرأة في الأردن من خلال الركائز الثلاث الأساسية للتنمية المستدامة

نمو الأعمال
مساعدة رائدات الأعمال ومالكات المشاريع على تسريع تأسيس أعمالهن من خلال توفير الوصول إلى المعرفة والتمويل وفرص بناء الشبكات المهنية.

Career Growth
Supporting women in the early stages of their careers, exploring their untapped potential, and guiding them to fulfill their calling. We also support professional and leading women in the workforce to excel by further developing their capabilities, allowing them to prosper in their careers

Promoting women's inclusion, eradicating workplace bias, and offering business solutions for best practices. Our programs foster a positive cultural shift, encouraging both young women and men to enter the workforce successfully and contribute effectively to the economy. Whether in a women-led business or pursuing a career, our members embark on a journey towards success.
النساء وراء كل ذلك
قوتنا تكمن في مجتمعنا المتنوع من سيدات الأعمال والمهنيات. يمثل أعضاء BPWA مختلف القطاعات والصناعات والشركات. نحن نأتي من خلفيات مختلفة من اهتمامات وفئات عمرية متنوعة ونسعى جاهدين لدعم بعضنا البعض في جميع الأوقات
مجلس إدارة
رولا قطامي
ديما القيسي
ميسون الصراف
Vice President 2ايمان حمزة
Eman Hamzehكاتيا طال
أمل دغلس
راندا قنصل
ثناء الخصاونة
Abeer Nammari
Rasha Barakat

ثناء الخصاونة
المدير التنفيذي

أفنان العقرباوي
مدير المشروع

ياسمين غنطوس
منسق أول للتسويق والاتصالات

يارا العبداللات
مسؤول التسويق والاتصالات

لين جبريل
المسؤول عن المشروع

تالا حباشنة

Layan Al-Bust
المؤسسون الرواد

Haifa Youssef Hajjar Najjar

Randa Salem Antoine Qunsol.