Lana Muasher

Lana has co-founded Iman's Early Learning Center (IELC), in memory of her late sister Iman. The now Center, was initiated as a Club with the purpose of enriching children's lives, but was later transitioned into an Early Childhood Center to raise awareness and deliver a model of high fidelity on how children learn in light of the new scientific findings in neuroscience about brain development and how children develop and grow.


Lana’s journey and passion for children was inspired by these findings and the weight of responsibility of how an early childhood center can make such a difference in the life of a child. She enrolled in the American Lebanese University (LAU) and majored in Human Development with emphasis on Early Childhood Education. Lana was later selected by the World Bank to become a member of a leadership team in the field for the Middle East and North Africa. She pursued along with 10 other candidates a special high diploma at Victoria University /Canada.


At IELC, The primary focus is on developing the entire child. The mission at IELC is to create lifelong learners with an emphasis on evidence based practices that close the gap between the scientific findings of brain development, the science of Early Childhood and the practices that ensue on the grounds.


